By greenberg law group, p.a.

What Does A Final Notice of Intent to Levy Mean?

The Final Notice of Intent to Levy

Keep reading to learn about the details of a Final Notice of Intent to Levy.

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Receiving a Final Notice of Intent to Levy is an urgent matter, marking your last opportunity to settle the outstanding debt before the IRS legally seizes your assets. 

While paying the entire debt is the quickest resolution, there are alternative options if you can’t cover the total amount right away.

What is a Final Notice of Intent to Levy?

This is the IRS’s last warning, indicating their plan to seize your assets. Before reaching this final stage, the IRS typically sends multiple notices. Receiving this final notice is common for individuals with substantial tax debt or those who haven’t taken steps to resolve it. 

Identifying a Final Notice of Intent to Levy

A Final Notice of Intent to Levy typically includes the following:

1. Taxpayer Information

2. Legal Implications

3. Timeframe and Deadlines

4. Payment Instructions

Steps to Take After Receiving the Notice

Start by reviewing the letter to ensure the information is accurate. If you spot any errors, your first step should be to contact the number on the notice or  file an appeal. You can also consider seeking professional advice to navigate the process. Tax attorneys can guide you through the intricacies of tax laws more effectively.

Possible Resolutions & Preventative Measures

Taxpayers have several options for addressing their tax debt:

1. Immediate Full Payment

2. Installment Agreement

3. Offer in Compromise

4. Collection Due Process Hearing

5. CNC Status

Need Help Navigating Levy Notices and Tax Obligations? 

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